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Guest Speaker Celine S.Cousteau

I had given a project to my students for tribes on edge which led them to think about the ancient tribes within the territory of Pakistan, Students started questioning what the tribes are. Are they having legal recognition or not? How many tribes still contacted? How long have they lived in tribes? How do they survive? What keeps them together? Etc.  I arranged a Skype Session with Celine S.Cousteau and a partner school from Sri Lanka i.e Bandaranayke Central College, Veyangoda, Sri Lanka. This project based learning covered digital literacy, creativity and imagination. If we talk of SDGs then this project covered SDG-4 Quality Education, SDG-10 Reduced Inequalities, SDG-16 Peace and Justice (Strong Institutions), SDG 17 Partnership for Goals. Students from both the countries enthusiastically participated in this project based learning, they exchanged information about the indigenous tribes in their respective countries with Celine S.Cousteau and this had been possible t...

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